Standards of Excellence of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering in a State University: A Tracer Study

Ester L. Forlales


This research focused on the feedbacks of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering graduates of RomblonState University on the standards of excellence of their course. Using the descriptive research design, the researcherlooked into the quality level of the program in terms of standards of excellence, the knowledge and skills applied andthe graduates’ job satisfaction. A total of 265 respondents were the participants of the study; one hundredtwenty-four (124) BSAgEn graduates, one hundred nineteen (119) employers and twenty-two (22) members of theschool top management. Random sampling was observed in selecting the graduates; however, the samplerespondents depended on the availability of graduates’ track records and addresses. Three sets of instruments wereused to gather the data; one for the graduates, one for the employers and another for the school officials. Thegraduates’ feedback was validated by the employers and members of the school top management. Differences inperceptions between respondents were tested. Data analysis was through software on Statistical Package for SocialResearch. Findings revealed that BSAgEn program has relative strength and was rated “Very Satisfactory” in termsof VMGO, Administration, Curriculum & Instruction and Faculty but has weakness and rated “Satisfactory” inLaboratory and Equipment, Library, Student Services and Physical Plant & Facilities. Most graduates wereemployed in non-agricultural sectors. Only skills on preparatory subjects were often applied and those in generalagriculture, basic and professional engineering subjects were seldom applied. The graduates claimed that they aresatisfied in their job which the same were confirmed by the employers. Conclusion points that the program needsfurther enhancement giving priority in areas such as Laboratory and Equipment, Library, Student Services andPhysical Plant & Facilities.

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Studies in Asian Social Science    
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print)  ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)

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