Uzbekistan: Karimov’s Model of Economy; Dynamic or Paradox A Critical Study

G. N. Khaki, Riyaz Ahmad Sheikh


The liquidation of seven decades communist rule in central Asia in 1991, has witnessed an unprecedentedpolitico-economic experiment. The shift from Planned Economy to the revolutionary transition of market economy iscomplicated process for newly installed governments. Uzbek Economic transition in the post- Barrack-type ofSocialist economic system was deemed as unique. The transition policy as proposed by neo-classical economists wasbased on the so-called Washington Consensus focusing on liberalization, privatization macro-economic stabilizationand opening of post-socialist economies. In order to handle the abrupt transition, the new nation-states adopteddifferent approaches, Uzbekistan the exceptional and extraordinary in its approach of gradualism. The approachproved more or less progressive for the Republic in making its robust economic performance in regional andinternational markets. Uzbekistan experienced relatively low output decline compared to other countries in the regionas President Islam Karimov adopted a state-led approach, and devised its own model of economy as ‘Road-Map’ itsmild economic stabilization measures have played a vital role in maintaining foreign exchange inflows and growth.In the mid of 1990’s Uzbekistan join its hands with many international organizations in order to have an economicstability. According to many statistical reports of Asian Development Bank (ADB) and International Monetary Fund(IMF) Uzbekistan has achieved miraculous socio-economic development since independence. Today Uzbekistan isan integral part of the world community and global financial-economic market.

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Studies in Asian Social Science    
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print)  ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)

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