Translation of the Names of Chinese Temples from the Perspective of Culture
China is a country with a brilliant civilization dating back to several thousand years ago. Her unique and splendid culture casts a great charm on the people of the world. Chinese temples are a treasure of Chinese ancient architecture. The suitable translation of the names of Chinese temples helps the foreign tourists better understand the Chinese culture. Most of “寺”, “庙”, “坛”, “观” have been translated as “temple”, but the culture contained is distinctly different. Therefore, some translation strategies are put into practice, such as, transliteration, free translation, and so on. It is necessary for us to take the flexible translation strategies based on the original meaning of Chinese temples, so as to make the translation full of national characteristics.
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Studies in Asian Social Science
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print) ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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