Eavesdropping in the Iranian Criminal Justice System
That the individual shall have full protection in person is a principle as old as the human beings life, but it has been
found necessary from time to time to define anew the exact nature and extent of such protection. As civilization
advanced, an individual’s feelings and intellect, as well as his physical being, came within the scope of the legal
“right to be let alone.”
Iranian Constitution has guaranteed individual’s rights and freedom and has explicitly referred to forbiddance of
eavesdropping and interception of conversations in its article 25. Article 582 of Penal Code ratified in 1996 has
criminalized eavesdropping by the governmental officials. Article 104 of Criminal Procedure Code, which was
abolished in 2014, referred to eavesdropping under the judge’s order. Article 150 of new criminal procedure code
ratified in 2014, and came into force in October 2014, has provided adequate safeguards to protect the individual’s
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/sass.v5n2p60
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