Gestalt as an Emergence of Knowledge at Schools

Masoud Niati


What is emphasised in this analysis is that the awareness of Gestalt by school principals and teachers can be utilised
for implementing knowledge management strategies. Since one of the challenges to implement knowledge
management is lack of transparency and how to transform synergy into innovation as well, it is assumed that
Gestalt-oriented approach will help this lack of transparency diminish, and that synergy can turn into innovation.
This work also tries to get an organized representation of how teachers and managers can consciously apply Gestalt
qualities at schools in conjunction with knowledge management. First, a broad definition of Gestalt theory in the
fields of psychology (in accordance with Christian Von Ehrenfelsin and Weithermar) will be given. Then a very brief
philosophical depiction of Gestalt (by Heidegger) will be considered. After depicting the qualities of Gestalt, its
supposed values and conceptions will be brought into a couple of frameworks (represented in figures 1 & 2) among
teachers, managers, family and society. Finally, at the end of this analysis, it is suggested that knowledge can be
gained by Gestalt qualities and there can possibly no difference between knowledge creation and emergence of
Gestalt at schools.

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Studies in Asian Social Science    
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print)  ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)

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