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Mbekenga, Columba, St. Luke’s International University (Japan)
Mbewe, Martha, University of Zambia (Zambia)
Mbewe, Natalia
Mbuthia, Gladys, Aga Khan University Kenya (Kenya)
McAllister, Margaret Maura, University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia)
McBain, Amy L., Eastern Michigan University, School of Nursing and University Writing Center (United States)
McBroom, Samantha, Sam Houston State University University of Texas Health Science Center (United States)
McBurrows, Lydia
McCabe, Donna E., New York University College of Nursing New York, NY 10010 (United States)
McCabe, Margaret, Boston Children's Hospital (United States)
McCafferty, Christopher
McCaffery, Rhonda L., Eastern Michigan University, School of Nursing and University Writing Center (United States)
McCall, Michael, Monash University (Australia)
McCamish, Barbara, Dominican University (United States)
McCarthy, Michaela S., Eastern Colorado Health Care System, Veterans Health Administration (United States)
McCarthy, Rose, Department of Nursing Midwifery and Social Work University of Salford Salford (United Kingdom)
McCarthy, Suzanne (Ireland)
McCarty, Karen H., School of Nursing, University of Alabama, Birmingham (United States)
McCleary-Jones, Voncella, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, College of Nursing (United States)
McClellan, Emma
McColgan, Karen, Queen's University Belfast (United Kingdom)
McConnachie, Alex, University of Glasgow
McCullock, Deb (United States)
McCullough, Joel Emery, Spokane Regional Health District (United States)
McCurry, Ian J., University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing (United States)

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