A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Keller, Elizabeth G., University of Cincinnati (United States)
Keller, Pat, Department of Nursing, Globe University (United States)
Kellerer, Jan D., UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology (Austria)
Kellerer, Jan Daniel, UMIT - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (Austria)
Kellerer, Jan D., UMIT - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (Austria)
Kelly, Daniel Robert
Kelly, Linda, Centre for Education & Workforce Development, Sydney Local Health District, Sydney (Australia)
Kelly, Michelle A., University of Technology Sydney (Australia)
Kelly, Paula
Kelly, Sarah, Rutgers University (United States)
Kempfer, Silvana Silveira, 2 Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil (Brazil)
Kempfer, Silvana Silveira, Federal University of Santa Catarina. Brazil (Brazil)
Kennedy, Julia, Otago University (New Zealand)
Kennel, Kimberly D., Baptist College of Health Sciences (United States)
Keogh, Justin, Bond University, Gold Coast (Australia)
Keough, Lori, University of Massachusetts Lowell Boston Childrens Hospital (United States)
Kerber, Cindy H.
Kerber, Cindy S., Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois (United States)
Kern, Allison, Kingston Public Health Unit, Kingston, Ontario (Canada)
Kerr, Calvin, School of Baccalaureate Nursing, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (Canada)
Kershaw, Patricia A.
Kesseler, Theresa A., Valparaiso University (United States)
Kesseler, Theresa A., Valparaiso University (United States)
Kessler, Theresa A., Valparaiso Universtiy (United States)
101 - 125 of 314 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
ISSN 1925-4040 (Print) ISSN 1925-4059 (Online)
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