Translating the healthcare simulation standards of best practice for low-resource settings: Operational strategies in health professions education
Background: Healthcare simulation is increasingly recognized as a transformative educational methodology. The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) developed the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice (HSSOBP) to guide high-quality simulation-based education (SBE) however, implementing these in resource-constrained settings poses challenges due to economic and cultural barriers.
Methods: A team from universities in Uganda, USA and Eswatini collaborated to contextualize and translate the HSSOBP for low-resource healthcare education settings. Using independent reviews and group discussions, the team analysed each standard for operational feasibility, contextual challenges, and resource-aligned solutions.
Results: Adaptation included enhancing organizational readiness through faculty and staff capacitation on SBE, simplifying operational strategies, using low-fidelity equipment, interdisciplinary collaboration and mobilizing local resource structures to support and sustain simulation programmes.
Conclusions: The translated HSSOBP guide the integration of SBE pedagogy in low-resource settings. This framework suggests practical and contextualised strategies without compromising the quality of education.
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Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
ISSN 1925-4040 (Print) ISSN 1925-4059 (Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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