Nursing preceptors’ attitudes towards the applicability of the five-minute-preceptor-model in practical nursing education: A qualitative descriptive study

Melanie Breznik, Karoline Schermann, Daniela Deufert


Objective: The “Five-Minute-Preceptor Model” (5MP) is a teaching method that is especially useful for teaching students in clinical training and strengthens the clinical reasoning skills of nursing students. Despite its acclaimed utility in clinical environments, there is a notable paucity of research on this model, particularly from the standpoint of nurse preceptors. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the views of the nurse preceptors towards the applicability of the 5MP in precepting nursing students.

Methods: Adopting a qualitative descriptive design, this study involved 15 problem-centered interviews conducted in February 2022. The participants were nurse preceptors employed at a hospital in Southern Austria. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed. Data analysis was performed through qualitative content analysis following Kuckartz's methodology.

Results: The qualitative content analysis yielded five main categories, further delineated into 14 sub-categories. Nurse preceptors generally had a positive attitude towards the applicability of the teaching method. They expressed it as practicable, supportive, and enhancing for their preceptorship. However, the universal application in every nursing setting and situation as well as the applicability in lower training levels was questioned by the nurse preceptors.

Conclusions: The findings suggest that the 5MP is a viable teaching method for precepting nursing students. While some limitations in its adaptability to diverse settings and situations were identified, several participants noted the method's inherent flexibility for customization. Further research is required to extensively evaluate its effectiveness across varied nursing environments.

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Journal of Nursing Education and Practice

ISSN 1925-4040 (Print)   ISSN 1925-4059 (Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press 
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