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Favre, Julien, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement (Switzerland)
Fernandes, Ricardo J., Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention in Sport, Faculty of Sport, Porto Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Porto (Portugal)
Ferrari, Mauro, Vascular Surgery Unit, Cisanello Hospital
Ferrari, Vincenzo, University of Pisa (Italy)
Fitzpatrick, Monique, St. George's University (Grenada)
Friedman, Zvi, GE Healthcare (Israel)
Friedman, Zvi, GE Ultrasound (Israel)
Friedman, Zvi, GE Ultrasound, Tirat Hacarmel (Israel)
Fuentes, Alexandre, Laboratoire de recherche en imagerie et orthopédie, École de technologie supérieur, Centre de recherche du CHUM (Canada)
Fung, Karl KL, Department of Health Technology and Informatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)
1 - 11 of 11 Items
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics
ISSN 2377-9381(Print) ISSN 2377-939X(Online)
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