Top Management Support, Organizational Learning, Innovative Behavior, Employee Commitment and Organizational Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Hai Phong

Tuyen Khac Pham, Cuong Hung Pham, Long Pham


Many organizational researchers consider innovative behavior to be an important work related factor (Fex & Spector, 2006). Researchers have found strong links between innovative behavior and organizational performance in the workplace. Jex, Beehr and Roberts (1992) found innovative behavior of employees as direct outcomes of organizational performance. Similarly, innovative behavior has been identified as a major effect for financial outcomes by many researchers (Dewe, 2003). Innovative behavior was found to be another major effect for employee satisfaction (Fox and Spector, 2006). Fox and Spector (2006) identified positive work behavior as a behavioral response caused by innovative behavior of employees (Noe, 2000). Top management support is another highly researched organizational factor that has been found to affect job attitudes and work behavior (Weiss, 2002). Top management support has been found to affect behaviors such as organizational citizenship behavior, absenteeism, turnover, and work performance (Feather & Rauter, 2004). In a HRD related topic, Egan, Yang and Barlett (2004) examined the relationship between top management support and organizational performance and shown that there is a positive relationship between these two variables. The factors discussed above that is organizational learning, top management support, innovative behavior, employee commitment, and organizational performance are the focus of this study. Exploration of these variables was based on a systematic examination of literature, a unique contribution toward elaborating upon the elements impacting organizational performance.

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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print)  ISSN 1923-4031(Online)


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