Restructuring Outsourcing: Classification and Methodical Approach to Evaluating Expediency and Economic Effect

Il'nur Ildusovich Farkhoutdinov, Aleksei Gennadevich Isavnin


A large part of a country's national production is the result of the efforts and performance of organizations and institutions that are engaged in the production of goods and services. These organizations or institutions that operate in various forms of government, private and cooperative and in various sectors of industry, agriculture and services are called economic enterprises or manufacturing enterprises.Among the strategies that have played a role in economic development in recent decades and have led to its expansion; It is the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises that in most countries (developed and developing) the tendency to this type of enterprises has increased. Medium-sized enterprises, in terms of their significant role in job creation, competitiveness, innovation and organizational and economic development, are considered as drivers and engines of economic growth and are one of the most important priorities in economic development programs.In the modern world, classification and methodical approach to evaluating expediency and economic effect has a critical role. In this paper, we consider the restructuring of Russian industrial enterprises through the use of industrial outsourcing. An approach to the classification of restructuring industrial outsourcing is proposed, and a method of assessing the feasibility and economic effect of the usage of this type of outsourcing is developed.

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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print)  ISSN 1923-4031(Online)


Copyright © Sciedu Press

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