Internal Control, Organizational Culture, and Quality of Information Accounting to Prevent Fraud: Case Study From Indonesia's Agriculture Industry
This research wants to find out how far internal control, organization culture and the quality of accounting information system will help the small-medium enterprises (SMEs) to prevent fraud. by applying the case study approach in achieving its aims and objectives. This study is done by a used case study from SMEs in the agriculture industry in Lampung province, Indonesia. The data were collected through observations and semi-structured interviews with employed and managerial staff. This research applied a mixed method in collecting and analyzing data, which were document analyses and interviews. Applying more than a single method in collecting data enables the researcher to compare and to verify the information accuracy (Brewer and Hunter 2006). This method can increase the credibility and validity of the findings because the final bias will depend on one method which later can be avoided (Yin 2012). This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The purpose of this descriptive research is to provide a descriptive, systematic, factual and accurate description of the facts, properties, and relationships between the phenomena investigated. All data that will be used in this study is sourced from the results of respondents' answers to the questionnaire given to employees at PT. XYZ as many as 70 respondents with the unit of analysis are part of Business Control, Human Capital, Finance, Marketing, and Operations. The sampling technique that uses saturated sampling, which is a sampling technique where all members of the population will be used as samples. The results of the study show that some weaknesses of the internal controls have been identified as one of the factors of fraud. The results show that Internal Control Organizational Culture and Quality of Information Accounting have a positive significant effect to prevent fraud.
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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print) ISSN 1923-4031(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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