Investor Sentiment and Firm Financial Performance of Malaysian IPO Firms: Pre and Post Financial Crisis
The main purpose of this study is to investigate an important issue in behavioural finance area that is the role of investor sentiment in determining firm performance, alongside with market timing and other fundamental firm factors in the context of Malaysian market. The impact of pre and post financial crisis during study period of 2004 to 2015 is incorporated in the analysis. The study uses a balanced panel data of 143 IPO firms in Malaysia during the study period. The sentiment index is developed using panel data cross section based on three IPOs proxies, which are IPO volume, market turnover and dividend premium. The findings indicate that market timing is found to have a strong influence towards firm performance with a positive and high level of significance relationship during pre and post financial crisis. Whereas investor sentiment does influence firm performance, particularly when timing is proxied by initial return before the financial crisis period. Other firm specific factors, growth show very strong positive relationship with firm performance. The remaining factors, namely tangibility of asset, profitability, size and industry show mix results either consistent or inconsistent with past literature irrespective of pre or post financial crisis. The finding offers a useful reference for firm managers’ to consistently time the market for the new and subsequent issue. While the investors have to pay attention on important information available in the market than become overly optimistic about future prospect of any investment as firm will continue to exploit timing strategy in their financing decision.
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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print) ISSN 1923-4031(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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