Embracing Technology in Higher Education: English Teachers' Perspectives in Saudi Arabian Universities

Anas Almuhammadi


This research article explores the application of technology in the field of English language teaching within the context of higher education in Saudi Arabian universities. As technology continues to evolve rapidly, its integration into educational practices has become essential. This study aims to investigate the perceptions of English teachers regarding the utilization of technology, the challenges they encounter, and proposes recommendations for the enhancement of technology integration in the teaching-learning process. To achieve the study aims, English teachers from ten rural universities across Saudi Arabia responded to a questionnaire, expressing favorable views on the integration of technology in the educational environment. Despite their positive stance, participants highlighted several significant challenges to widespread technology adoption, namely a) inadequate teacher training, b) insufficient facilities (classrooms and laboratories), and c) a scarcity of technological resources (computers). The survey's results underscore the necessity for a well-defined vision and strategy for technology use. Instructors emphasized that the combination of financial incentives and the establishment of a standardized physical infrastructure could encourage widespread adoption.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijelt.v10n1p12


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Copyright (c) 2024 Anas Almuhammadi

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International Journal of English Language Teaching ISSN 2329-7913 (Print) ISSN 2329-7921 (Online)

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