The Effects of Using Scoring Rubrics and Self-Regulation Strategies on the EFL Intermediate Students’ Reading Gains

Hasneh Gorjipour, Maedeh Hoseinpoor


Rubrics are considered beneficial for both teaching and learning, especially when they are practiced as formative
assessment (Panadero & Jonsson, 2013). By applying self-regulation strategies together with reading based rubric,
this study mainly intended to examine the effects of rubrics and self-regulation strategies on the Iranian learners'
reading comprehension gains across gender. The participants of the study were 60 male and female EFL students
selected based on their PET scores. Subsequently, a pretest of reading comprehension was administered to the groups
of experimental and control as well as male and female groups to determine their proficiency level. Then, the
experimental group underwent training on how to use reading rubric and self-regulation strategies. At the end of the
course, the reading comprehension post-test was re-administered. The findings suggested that there was a statistically
significant difference between rubric-oriented classes in conjunction with learners’ use of self-regulation strategies
and rubric-free classes in terms of the students’ reading comprehension gains. Furthermore, the results showed that
the male learners outperformed their female counterparts in utilizing self-regulation strategies and rubrics in reading
comprehension. Moreover findings suggested some theoretical and pedagogical implications for the language
learners, teachers, and syllabus designers.

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