Integrated Supplementary Task-based Games

Hadi Maghsoud


This article explored the background for task-based games and how they could best fit in educational contexts to
make use of their potential benefits for language teaching and learning purposes. First, the assumptions of task-based
language teaching (TBLT) and game-based learning (GBL), as the two underlying theories of task-based games,
were touched upon. It was suggested that pedagogical tasks could be used as a framework for designing educational
games. The benefits and pitfalls of implementation of TBLT and GBL were also investigated. Moreover, it was
argued that supplementary educational games that are in line with the syllabus rather than games used as the main
means of instruction could result in more efficient teaching and learning. Finally, task-based games were posited as a
powerful educational tool to utilize the merits and to compensate for the shortcomings of TBLT and GBL.

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