A Case Study of English and Arabic Adjectives in Attributive Position at Aden University
This paper has presented a case study of English and Arabic adjectives in attributive position at the sentence level withpedagogical implications at Aden University. This study has focused on undergraduate pre-service teacher-trainees ofBachelor Program, College of Education, Saber, English Department, University of Aden. It particularly dealt withEnglish adjectives in attributive positions which students studied in their English Grammar Cours1(E131). Thecollege's students face difficulty in English adjectives construction. They make mistakes in constructing Englishadjectives in attributive position at the sentence level because of their mother tongue interference, besides English andArabic employ different processes and structures in forming the adjective sentences of the various types. The majorobjective of this study was to investigate the problems faced by the students and to examine the appropriateness of thecurrent teaching materials, tasks, and methods of teaching English adjective types in the Grammar Course1(E131). Toachieve this objective, the authors have used a quantitative research method for data collection. The quantitativeresearch instruments comprised the students' questionnaire, open-ended questions, and the students' test. The numberof the respondents in this study were 120 students girls and boys. The authors concluded that students indeed face agreat difficulty in constructing English adjectives in attributive position at the sentence level due to the intense mothertongue interferences. Communicative teaching methods would bring about progress in the level of the students andintegrate other language skills. Students should acquire the ability to perform various types of language functions,related to English adjectives construction in attributive position and other types of English adjectives.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijelt.v4n1p9
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