Exploring Ethnocentrism in Business Courses and Businesses
Business students and practitioners are often unfamiliar with the underlying rationale for ethnocentrism and the resulting consequences of ethnocentric behavior in the workplace. The author presents a compelling exercise that makes the topic of ethnocentrism personally relevant to both students and practitioners alike. Through experiential activities, brief lectures, and presentations, participants learn about the psychological factors creating ethnocentric tendencies, identify examples of ethnocentric issues, and learn how ethnocentric tendencies affect employee behaviors in the classroom and at work. The Exercise helps participants recognize the potential for ethnocentrism in themselves and others, enhances inter-cultural sensitivity, and elevates global awareness. Step-by-step detailed teaching instructions and support tools are provided for easy Exercise implementation within ground, distance learning, and hybrid courses or business settings.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/bmr.v2n3p120
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Business and Management Research
ISSN 1927-6001 (Print) ISSN 1927-601X (Online)
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