Analysis of a Moodle-Based Training Program about the Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Evolution Theory and Natural Selection
In this study we aim to find out whether a training program for secondary school science teachers which was
organized based on the model of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), could improve their individual PCK for a
specific scientific issue. The Evolution Theory (ET) and the Natural Selection (NS) were chosen as the scientific
issues of interest. Both of them are fundamental in biology teaching, especially the ET which can be taught as a
unifying theory of biology. The individual PCK of teachers can be improved by strengthening its components:
knowledge, pedagogy and managing the context. The principals and content of the seminar were decided based on
the results of another study among Greek teachers for the characteristics of their PCK about ET, NS and Nature Of
Science (NoS). The seminar involved 16 secondary school teachers. We found that all trainees improved their
individual PCK and felt adequate to teach more effectively the ET and the NS to their students. All participants
through the activities they performed, moved to a more constructive and learner-centered teaching style compare to
what they used to do before the training program.
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Copyright (c) 2017
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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