Play Materials Availability and Utilisation for Development of Gross Motor Skills by Pre- Primary School Children

Victoria I. Iroegbu


Various scholars have emphasised the importance of play in the healthy development of young children. It is knownthat children develop physical fitness through engagement in play activities. It is also known that when childrenengage in play activities alongside other children, they develop muscular and movement skills and acquire somecognitive learning. This study was carried out to find out the level of availability of play materials, the extent of useof those found and the relationship between availability and utilisation of play materials. A purposive surveyresearch design was adopted in data collection from 20 Early Childhood Education (ECE) centres in one senatorialdistrict of a state in Nigeria. The instruments used for data collection were an inventory sheet as well asquestionnaires for Heads of centres, ECE teachers and children. The data analysis revealed that eleven different playmaterials were found in different quantities in the various establishments. Their utilisations also varied. The datarevealed that three play materials were highly available in only three institutions. Five play items were moderatelyavailable at 9 centres; while play materials availability was low at eight other centres. The daily utilisation of theitems was high for four play materials; moderate for another five and low for three play materials. A high positivecorrelation (r=0.762, p<0.006, R2 =.581) was obtained for availability and utilisation of play materials. 58 percent ofthe relationship was accounted for by the experiment. It was recommended that more training and workshops bemounted for ECE teachers and proprietors/head-teachers on early childhood developmental needs and requirements;and that local production of essential early childhood play materials be started in Nigeria. The provision of more playmaterials was recommended, since the children will make more use of those provided.

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World Journal of Social Science     ISSN 2329-9347 (Print)  ISSN 2329-9355 (Online)

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