Practices of the Great Green Wall Project in the Ferlo (Senegal): Effects on Pastoral Resilience and Development

Amadou Ndiaye


To support the ecosystem resilience in the sylvo-pastoral area, Senegal did pioneering work by initiating, since 2008,field activities in the framework of the pan-African project of the Great Green Wall (GGW). How have theSenegalese practices contributed to the pastoral resilience and development? What are the lessons that the PanAfrican Agency and the Sahelian countries involved can draw from the Senegalese experience? To answer thesequestions, this study proposes to identify the major characteristics of the GGW practices as well as the effects onpastoralism in a comprehensive and strategic perspective, following an inductive approach.The Great Green Wall looks like a sectorial project (forest) with diversification activities (horticulture). The wayfield workers perceive it is not homogeneous. Reforestation plots have impacts on the resilience of the courses andthe populations. They modify the grazing plans and encourage private fodder banks to the detriment of traditionalpasture reserves. Several actions (distribution of food, medical consultations, employment) of the Great Green Wallcontribute to the resilience of the pastoral populations (health, food security and income). The Great Green Wall alsohas effects on social transformation and pastoral development. There is a noticeable change of mindset, adevelopment of civic awareness, as well as a breakdown of their social isolation.To become a systemic project development, the GGW could integrate production sectors such as hydraulics andeducation. To accomplish this, the agency must hire a multidisciplinary staff with a corporate culture to break awaywith participative behaviors.

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World Journal of Social Science     ISSN 2329-9347 (Print)  ISSN 2329-9355 (Online)

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