Lived Experiences of Egyptian Female Juvenile Delinquents: Phenomenological Approach

Fatma M. Ahmed, Amany S. Sorour, Amal A. El Badawy


Historically delinquency was considered the domain of boys, but recently female juvenile delinquents are a sizeable minority of the overall delinquent population, henceforth, current study aimed to explore the lived experiences of female juvenile delinquents in Egypt. A qualitative research approach was achieved by conducting focus group discussions with delinquent females and in-depth interviews with key workers from three residential correctional institutions in Egypt. Findings indicated that female juvenile delinquency is a multidimensional phenomenon resulting from stacking sets of strained relationships, community, & individual triggering factors. Ultimately the crux of female juvenile delinquency is the family.

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World Journal of Social Science     ISSN 2329-9347 (Print)  ISSN 2329-9355 (Online)

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