The Development of Digital Competencies through Video Games

Verónica Marín-Díaz, Jorge F. Figeroa Flores


Using today's video games in the classroom is beginning to become a reality. It’s perceived as a way to approach technology from early childhood and drawn as a complement to the curriculum development of the young. This new perspective is becoming a trend in the mind of the teachers, who are gradually incorporating it into the classroom as a tool. This article presents the results of an experience carried out with students from elementary school. The overall objective was to determine whether video games could become an additional tool in curriculum development for children during this educational stage, as seen from the perspective of future teachers doing initial elementary education training, and if its integration would determine behavioral patterns towards the development of the socialization process. A Likert scale questionnaire was constructed in response to an ex post facto research model. The initial results obtained demonstrated the willingness of the current students enrolled in the education program to employ video games in their classrooms, after a didactic introduction to the use was given, in addition to confirming the hypothesis in regards to socialization, pointing which are behavioral modulators, stereotypes and peer group views, among others aspects.

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World Journal of Social Science     ISSN 2329-9347 (Print)  ISSN 2329-9355 (Online)

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