Performance Evaluation of Public Service Institutions (CQS) Framework

Nabukeera Madinah, Ali Boerhannoeddin, Raja Noriza Binti Raja Ariffin


The purpose of this manuscript is to propose three- dimensional logical research framework for analyzing shared solid waste management services performance i.e., cost, quality and social welfare (CQS) in public service institutions (PSIs) using Kampala Capital City Authority for explanatory purposes. The logical research framework encompasses almost all components involved in shared services performance like input, outputs and outcomes. Acceptable production in any PSIs should demonstrate enhancement to achieve all benchmarks. The logical framework is beneficial to practitioners and academicians for its contribution to guide bureaucrats on the need for shared services policy and its implications to government correctness in solving societal challenges through scientific measurement and hypothesizing of performance.

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World Journal of Social Science     ISSN 2329-9347 (Print)  ISSN 2329-9355 (Online)

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