Investigating the Relationship between Lifestyle and Religiosity: A Case Study
In the modern society the viewpoint of the young generation toward religion, especially students, has changed incomparison to that of the past generation. The young generation is in search of a new identity and status which is incontrast to that of the previous generation. In this work, the relationship between lifestyle and religiosity ofdormitory students of Shiraz University has been studied through survey method and by means of questionnaire. Thesample size is 325 students. The theoretical structure is based on Gluck and Stark model. To measure religiosity, theaffective, consequential, belief and ritual dimensions have been taken into account. Based on these, seven hypotheseswere proposed. The variables of parents’ education, affective, consequential, belief and ritual dimensions have asignificant relationship with lifestyle; however some variables such as age, ethnicity and the ethical dimension ofreligiosity in relation to lifestyle these hypotheses were rejected.
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Studies in Asian Social Science
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print) ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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