The Influence of Migration on Chinese Korean Women’s Fertility Behavior
Chinese Korean population had experienced negative growth for consecutive seventeen years through year 2013.Two main reasons contributed to such negative growth: One is fertility rate of such population continued to decrease;the other is Chinese Korean migration. Migration led to total population reduction, affected women’s fertilityconcepts and influenced women’s fertility behavior, resulted in the decline of Chinese Korean fertility level. In thispaper, we investigated the influence degrees of migration on fertility behavior through two aspects. First, we usedCox proportional hazard model to examine the influence degree on the intervals between first marriage and firstfertility of Chinese Korean women. The Cox model showed that influence degree of migration on intervals betweenfirst marriage and first fertility is quite deep; the intervals between first marriage and first fertility of migratedwomen is much shorter than that of women without migration. The shorter the intervals between migration andfertility, the greater a woman’s desire of migration when she gave birth, and the shorter of her interval between firstmarriage and first fertility. Then we analyzed the risk of the 2nd fertility through the discrete-time hazard model. Theinfluence factors of 2nd fertility are more complex than the 1st fertility; many other factors such as social, economicand cultural ones in addition to migration, however, migration is one of the most important influence factors ofhaving a 2nd fertility. The risk for 2nd fertility of migrated women is relatively large.
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Studies in Asian Social Science
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print) ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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