Construction of Buying Intention Model on Counterfeit Luxury Goods Based on Motivation of Consumption

Yanping Zhou, Cheng Lu


The purpose of this paper is to find the real consumption motivation of counterfeit luxury goods, and to clarify the relationship between buying Intention of counterfeit Luxury goods and consumption motivation of counterfeit luxury goods. The paper opts for an exploratory study using depth interviews and questionnaire, which outline the motivation: price, self-realization, to taste a fresh delicacy, low risk, to show off, to maintain the emotion, to revenge enterprise, deception and conformity. Then implying the factor analysis and regression analysis, we got the real motivation of consumption counterfeit goods and built new modified model between buying intention and motives of counterfeit goods. There are two kinds of motivations including social and personal, and social motivation is on the subject status; counterfeit luxury goods consumption intentions and purchase motives are positive correlation, and social motivation is on the subject status; the influence of gender difference between the buying motivation and intention are not significant. Limited by the scope of the research object, the samples’ coverage is limited, so the conclusion’s using range needs further improvement. Secondly, this article is to regard luxury as a whole to study, not according to the categorical difference, which will affect the final purchase intentions. This study clarifies the relationship between buying intention of counterfeit luxury goods and consumption motivation of mounterfeit luxury goods, and build new modified buying intention model between them.

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Studies in Asian Social Science    
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print)  ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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