The Research of the Feasibility of China to Learn from the U.S. Federal Government Performance Evaluation
Government performance evaluation is a rather effective tool of government administrative reform, government management innovation and government reengineering activities. It will be a comprehensive supervision of the operation process and result of government power and make it possible to establish a clean, efficient and responsible government. Currently, China's performance evaluation of all levels of government in both theory and practice has made remarkable achievements, however, China's government performance evaluation also encountered many problems due to the late start and the complexity of performance evaluation. Throughout the world, the U.S. government performance evaluation has the most typical representative, and it is of great significance for China to systematically study and draw the beneficial experience from the U.S. government performance evaluation.
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Studies in Asian Social Science
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print) ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)
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