Reasons Analysis of Chinese Urban Consumers Opposing Genetically Modified Food—An Empirical Analysis based on a Metropolitan Representative

Yue Ma


Since genetically modified food appeared in Chinese market, it has become a big dispute. Scientific experiments has proved that genetically modified food possesses many advantages such as insect resistance, herbicide tolerance and disease resistance. However it is a fact that many Chinese consumers prefer conventional food to genetically modified food when they go to supermarket. Through collecting and analysis of the information, the reasons were attributed to four aspects. Firstly, transgenic technology itself existed high risk. Secondly, human health may be threatened by them because of the uncertainty. Thirdly, perhaps genetically modified food may bring environment hazards. Finally, some companies which researched genetically modified food in order to ensure a big profit return regardless of corporate social responsibility.

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Studies in Asian Social Science    
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print)  ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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