Influential Factors on Customers' Satisfaction of Rural ICT Offices: A Case Study of Lordegan Township in Iran

Bijan Khalil-Moghaddam


Rural ICT offices (Centers) are one of the initiatives of ICT department in Iran for fulfillment of the rural development process via ICT. Success and effectiveness of these offices depend on the customers' satisfaction regarding the received services. This paper as the one of the first studies in the field of "customers' satisfaction of rural ICT offices" in Iran and the first one in Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari Province attempts to identify the factors affecting customer satisfaction of ICT offices services in Lordegan Township as a part of Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari Province. The sample included 39 rural ICT offices (As sample unit) and 272 individuals (As observational unit), who were selected by proportional cluster random sampling method. Survey method was used, and the data was analyzed by correlation and multiple regression techniques. Based on the regression models related to the young and middle-aged groups, 3 variables showed to have significant impact on customers' satisfaction of rural ICT offices in Lordegan Township (Complexity, relative advantage, and educational level) and about the old group, it is deduced that the variable of compatibility has a significant impact on the dependent variable. According to the results, through removing the weaknesses of ICT offices the rural satisfaction of ICT offices can be reinforced.

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Studies in Asian Social Science    
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print)  ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)

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