Projection of Living Arrangements of the Elderly in Japan Using INAHSIM

Tetsuo Fukawa


By using a dynamic micro-simulation model named INAHSIM, we conducted a population-household projection in
Japan for the period of 2015 to 2070. Due to rapid aging of the population, the distribution of the elderly (65 years
old or older) by living arrangements has a profound impact on the social system. Especially, the choice of the elderly
among a) living in one-person households, b) co-residing with child households, and c) living in institutions, are
crucial indicators for the future social burden of the elderly in Japan. In this paper, we projected the number and
proportion of the elderly by living arrangement in future years. Trends of those elderly who have little relatives,
therefore having high risk of dying in solitude, were also featured.

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Studies in Asian Social Science    
ISSN 2330-2143 (Print)  ISSN 2330-2151 (Online)

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