An investigation for phylogenetic characterization of human pancreatic cancer microbiome by 16S rDNA sequencing and bioinformatics techniques

Colby Hunter, Khadimou Dia, Julia Boykins, Karrington Perry, Narendra Banerjee, Jazmine Cuffee, Erik Armstrong, Gabrielle Morgan, Hirendra Nath Banerjee, Anasua Banerjee, Santanu Bhattacharya


Pancreatic cancer is a significant public health concern, with increasing incidence rates and limited treatment options. Recent studies have highlighted the role of the human microbiome, particularly the gut microbiota, in the development and progression of this disease. Microbial dysbiosis, characterized by alterations in the composition and function of the gut microbiota, has been implicated in pancreatic carcinogenesis through mechanisms involving chronic inflammation, immune dysregulation, and metabolic disturbances. Researchers have identified specific microbial signatures associated with pancreatic cancer, offering potential biomarkers for early detection and prognostication. By leveraging advanced sequencing and bioinformatics tools, scientists have delineated differences in the gut microbiota between pancreatic cancer patients and healthy individuals, providing insights into disease pathogenesis and potential diagnostic strategies. Moreover, the microbiome holds promise as a therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer treatment. Interventions aimed at modulating the microbiome, such as probiotics, prebiotics, and fecal microbiota transplantation, have demonstrated potential in enhancing the efficacy of existing cancer therapies, including chemotherapy and immunotherapy. These approaches can influence immune responses, alter tumor microenvironments, and sensitize tumors to treatment, offering new avenues for improving patient outcomes and overcoming therapeutic resistance. Overall, understanding the complex interplay between the microbiome and pancreatic cancer is crucial for advancing our knowledge of disease mechanisms and identifying innovative therapeutic strategies. Here we report phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA microbial sequences of the pancreatic cancer mice microbiome and corresponding age matched healthy mice microbiome. We successfully identified differentially abundant microbiota in pancreatic cancer.

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Journal of Solid Tumors

ISSN 1925-4067(Print)   ISSN 1925-4075(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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