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Emilia James, Oyira, University of Calabar (Nigeria)
Emilia James, Oyira, Department of nursing science, University of Calabar (Nigeria)
Emmanuel, Anyika, University of Lagos, Nigeria (Nigeria)
Emmanuel, Anyika, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos (Nigeria)
Emmanuel, Anyika N., University of Lagos, Nigeria
Empey, Derek, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Pharmacy Department, Syracuse, NY (United States)
Epane, Josue Patien, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (United States)
Erdem, Erkan, KPMG (United States)
Eremiev, Alexander N., Department of Neurosurgery, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, United States
Erichsen Andersson, Annette, Institute of Health Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Erichsen Andersson, Annette, Institute of Health and Care sciences, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Erickson, Jeanette Ives, Massachusetts General Hospital (United States)
Eriksson, Andrea, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Technology and Health (Sweden)
Eriksson, Andrea, School of Technology and Health, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
Eriksson, Andrea, School of Technology and Health, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Ervin, Kaye E., University of Melbourne (Australia)
ervin, Kaye elizabeth, University of Melbourne (Australia)
Erwich, Mark E., Verato, Inc. (United States)
Erwich, Mark E., Verato, Inc. (United States)
Escaned, Javier, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid (Spain)
Escolar-Reina, Pilar, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Murcia (Spain)
Escowitz, Hal, Lakeland Regional Health (United States)
Esposito, Sergio, Teaching Hospital of the Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy (Italy)
Essenmacher, Lynnette, Occupational Health Services, Detroit Medical Center (United States)
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Journal of Hospital Administration
ISSN 1927-6990(Print) ISSN 1927-7008(Online)
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