Epidemiology of iliopsoas haematoma in patients with haemophilia
Aim: Iliopsoas Haemorrhage (IPH) is a well-recognized complication of haemophilia. The aim of this paper is to show thecurrent epidemiology of IPH in patients with haemophilia (PWH) treated at Argentinean Haemophilia Foundation, and observethe evolution of the treatment of the disease over the years.
Patients and methods: The 1995 series included 109 PWH with 223 episodes of IPH. Eighty-six (80.4%) patients hadHaemophilia A and twenty-one (19.6%) had Haemophilia B, mean age was 18 years old. The 2008-2013 series included thirty-sixPWH with sixty-five episodes of IPH. Twenty-nine (80.6%) patients with Haemophilia A and seven patients (19.4%) withHaemophilia B, all were severe. Seven patients with inhibitors and Haemophilia A, mean age was 22.1 years old.
Results: We found statistically significant differences between relation to the age (p: .003). In 2008-2013 series all patients hadsevere Haemophilia (100%). Only eleven (30.6%) patients presented previous IPH. In the pre 1995 series, twelve (12.1%) weremild, forty (40.4%) moderate and forty-seven (47.5%) severe. Forty-nine (45.8%) patients presented previous IPH. We onlyfound statistically significant differences when comparing the degree of the disease between series (p: .001).
Conclusion: The usage of clotting factor concentrates, prophylactic therapy protocols by patients have contributed to increasethe age of appearance IPH and decreased the prevalence rate of this pathology.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/jer.v2n2p18
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Journal of Epidemiological Research
ISSN 2377-9306(Print) ISSN 2377-9330(Online)
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