Analysis of Regional Supporting Force for the Development of Industrial Area in Order to Improve Regional Income in East Java, Indonesia
Industrial development is one of the pillars of national economic development, which are directed to apply the principles of sustainable development of industry based on the development aspects of economic, social, and environmental. Currently the construction industry is faced with global competition is very influential on the development of national industry. This research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Descriptive method of research tried to describe the relationship between phenomena or phenomenon under study systematic, factual, and accurate. While the sample is in local government 5 Regency/City in some regional work units (SKPD) relevant and Industrial Zone and a related deal or business entities that handle industrial estate in the area of research that is in Malang, Jember, Kediri, Bangkalan, and Tuban Regency. The results of the study are as follows: (1) Profile of Industrial Zone in East Java proper and suitable to increase revenue (PAD) are companies with a specific type of labor-intensive industries (2) What type fits and industry can be developed in the Industrial Area in East Java that has potential and strong competitiveness through industrial products are featured best products became the mainstay of exports of East Java, (3) Mapping the Industrial Zone in East Java.
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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print) ISSN 1923-4031(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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