On the Urban Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of the Ethnic Regions in China
In this paper, we analyzed a fresh conception of the urban comprehensive carrying capacity in the context of ecosystem, economy and social dimensions. Based on the AHP methodology, the author constructs the urban comprehensive carrying capacity hierarchical structure model for the chosen ten regions in Inner Mongolia, China. The findings are a better reflection that the urban comprehensive carrying capacity is a complex chaos interconnected with the ecological, economic and social throughputs of the development-oriented regions, and it is an entangled combination of three self-organizing non-equilibrium systems with all concepts fundamental to sustainable urbanization process.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijfr.v5n2p189
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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print) ISSN 1923-4031(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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