Environmental Disclosure Modelling in a Developing Economy: Does Corporate Governance Matter? A Double Hurdle Regression Approach
The paper examines environmental Disclosure Modelling in a Developing Economy using the Craigg double hurdle model and controlling for the role of corporate governance. This study employs the ex-post research design and investigates firm’s environmental disclosures in Nigeria, by controlling for corporate governance characteristics. The study employs a sample of 35 non-financial firms listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange using the simple random sampling technique. Secondary data retrieved from the financial statements of the selected companies was used for the study. Both the Tobit and double-hurdle models were estimated but based on the Bayesian and Akaike’s information criteria for model selection, the double-hurdle model is preferred. The result reveals that though Board size is not a significant determinant of probability to disclose environmental information in annual reports (-0.0408, p=0.175), it is a significant determinant of the extent of environmental disclosure reports (0.1943, p=0.00) given that a firm has decided to disclose. Board independence is a significant determinant of both probability to disclose environmental information and extent of disclosure (-2.2373, p=0.00) with a negative coefficient. The Board gender diversity is not a significant determinant of probability to disclose environmental information in annual reports (-0.60076, p=0.461), it is a nevertheless a significant determinant of the extent of environmental disclosure reports (-3.5913, p=0.00) when firms then decide to disclose. Institutional ownership turns out to be a significant determinant of both the probability to disclose environmental information and extent of disclosure (0.0273, p=0.00) when firms choose to disclose. Finally, the truncated model results also reveals that though managerial ownership is not a significant determinant of probability to disclose environmental information in annual reports (-0.01352, p=0.148), it is nevertheless a significant determinant of the extent of environmental disclosure reports (-0.0206, p=0.001) when firms then decide to disclose.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijfr.v12n4p111

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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print) ISSN 1923-4031(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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