Corporate Social Responsibility Management

Gulnara Raisovna Chumarina, Guzel Azatovna Abulkhanova


This article considers current trends and features of the development of corporate social responsibility in Russia in the current crisis, the reasons for the lack of organizations activity in the social responsibility field. The article also determines the impact of the company's social policy on the formation of labour motivation and loyalty of company employees, a positive image of the company for both personnel and the environment. Social responsibility is relevant for all types and sizes of organizations, but it has received the greatest development in large public and the private business community. Russian companies are actively involved in this process. The number of such companies is increasing from year to year. Small and medium-sized businesses are gradually connecting to them. And in the current crisis, corporations and large companies are in an environment where charity projects are actually a “matter of honour" for the company. The problem urgency of corporate social responsibility is due to modern requirements for companies presented by society and the authorities to conduct socially responsible business. In turn, this approach to doing business ensures the sustainable development of companies and leads to the creation of a favourable investment and reputation image.

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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print)  ISSN 1923-4031(Online)


Copyright © Sciedu Press

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