Analysis of Zakat Accounting and the Role of the Internal Control System based on Financial Accounting Standards Guidelines (PSAK 109) Zakat Agency in Indonesia
This research was carried out because of the phenomenon of the large potential of zakat in Indonesia and the large number of zakat funds that were corrupted due to unaccountable financial reporting. Many payers of zakat (muzakki) still do not believe in National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS), so zakat payments are often not made through the official of BAZNAS. This research was carried out through a survey which was designed to examine the accountability of financial reporting at the amil zakat and amil zakat institutions in Jakarta and Banten, related to internal control competencies and financial reporting accountability. The expected results of this study are an increase in the accountability of financial reporting by conducting sharia accounting training for staff in amil zakat and amil zakat institutions in Jakarta and Banten. The goal of this study is to contribute scientifically to the science of sharia accounting, specifically accounting for zakat, and to assist accounting departments in preparing financial statements. The results of this study state that compliance with the application of zakat accounting with Financial Accounting Standards Guidelines (PSAK 109) had no significant effect on financial reporting accountability, while the role of the internal control system had a significant positive effect on financial reporting accountability.
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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print) ISSN 1923-4031(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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