Discourses of Sustainable Finance Implementation in Islamic Bank (Cases Studies in Bank Mandiri Syariah 2018)
The execution of sustainable finance (SF) in Islamic Bank (Sharia Bank) should be fused with financial products and services due to the compatibility of SF programs with Sharia rules. This article points to define the progress of SF implementation in the Bank Mandiri Syariah before the mandatory to implement regulation from financial Services Authority No. 1/POJK. 3/2017. The method used is qualitative and confined with the following research question (1) What is the precedence of the Government in implementing sustainable finance by regulation No. 51/POJK. 03/2017? (2) How is the progress of sustainable financial implementation on sharia banks during the period 2017 to 2018?. According to the results of the study through secondary data from financial statements, annual reports, and the company's internal data. The Bank Mandiri Syariah has implemented SF during 2018 with the well-presented portion of SF financing ratio from total financing amounting to 29.56%. Beside of that Bank Mandiri Syariah also already established the sustainable finance plan for five years (2019-2014). Nevertheless, to increase the community trust in Sharia banks regarding the suitable implement of SF in the future. The Islamic Bank need to ensure the commit from all stakeholders to make sharia products and services that implant in the SF program.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijfr.v10n6p108

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International Journal of Financial Research
ISSN 1923-4023(Print) ISSN 1923-4031(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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