Impact of AI on Customer Experience in E-commerce in Egypt

Ashraf Elsafty, Saga Hesham


In a world shifting from being product centric to become customer centric, customers are at the center of attention for each company since they are the key to any desired success and profitability. The e-commerce industry is exponentially growing with rising number of customers shifting to the online shopping experience as opposed to the physical one, causing challenges for businesses to sustain their competitiveness while addressing the diversified tastes of their increasing customer base. With the change in consumer behavior, offering a unique customer experience tailored according to each customer requirements and needs can be an added value & a main differentiator in a rapidly growing and competitive market in order to retain current consumers as well as attracting new ones. Shoppers moving to the virtual experience are looking for convenience which differs in perspective according to each one and this requires understanding of their decision-making drivers and purchase motivators that varies from one customer to another that entail the need for personalization. Artificial intelligence allows businesses to have deep understanding of clients’ requirements providing insights derived from different resources like historical data & customers behavior providing accordingly personalized experiences realizing the desired convenience. This paper can assist businesses to comprehend the impact of AI on the customer experience in e-commerce industry & how it influences the personalization efforts an organization use in its process as well as the convenience with focus on Egypt as a country and for population of age ranging from 15-59 years old.

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International Journal of Business Administration
ISSN 1923-4007(Print) ISSN 1923-4015(Online)


Copyright © Sciedu Press

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