Predictive Effect of AI on Leadership: Insights From Public Case Studies on Organizational Dynamics

Victor Frimpong, Bert Wolfs


The increasing integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in organizational leadership is transforming traditional leadership practices and dynamics. This analysis investigates the potential long-term effects of AI on leadership, focusing on how AI improves decision-making, automates repetitive tasks, and enhances employee engagement. Drawing on in-depth case studies of major companies like IBM, Google, and Amazon, this paper demonstrates the successes and challenges of incorporating AI into leadership roles. It also explores emerging AI-driven leadership skills and highlights potential future leadership frameworks that may develop as AI technologies progress, offering an optimistic view of leadership in the future. While this analysis provides valuable qualitative insights, it recognizes the need for additional empirical data to support its claims, including AI adoption rates and metrics for evaluating leadership effectiveness. Incorporating predictive models could also enhance our understanding of AI's lasting impact on leadership. The paper is a valuable resource for organizations and leaders navigating the evolving landscape of AI-augmented leadership.

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International Journal of Business Administration
ISSN 1923-4007(Print) ISSN 1923-4015(Online)


Copyright © Sciedu Press

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