Identification and Analysis of Barriers that Impact the Sustainable Development of Brazilian Cabotage

Aldery Silveira Junior, Evanilton de Almeida Vivaldo, Fabio Enzio Moura Pereira Laune, Felipe Frutuoso Pereira, Matheus de Sousa Pereira, Michelly Karen Alves da Silva


Brazil has ideal conditions for the large-scale use of cabotage cargo transportation: a vast coastline with almost 7,400 km, approximately 70% of the population resident in a coastal range of up to 200 km from the coast and a strong concentration of activities economic along the coast. However, there is an absolute domain of road modal for the transportation of goods, and cabotage is underused. The purpose of the study was to raise the main barriers that negatively impact the performance of Brazilian cabotage. To this end, it was used to bibliographic and documentary research, based on studies already published in journals, doctoral theses, master's dissertations, congress annals, technical reports and research on government-related government agencies sites, navigation companies and entities related to cabotage. The main barriers that contribute to the low use of cabotage in Brazil were identified and analyzed, as well as possible alternatives of solution for sustainable development of this mode of transport. Such a study will certainly serve as subsidies for the definition of public policies aimed at better use of Brazilian cabotage, as well as to encourage navigation companies to invest more in the transport of goods by cabotage, in order to contribute to the reduction of trucks on highways Brazilian and for environmental preservation.

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International Journal of Business Administration
ISSN 1923-4007(Print) ISSN 1923-4015(Online)


Copyright © Sciedu Press

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