A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Goldberg, Cathy S, University of San Francisco (United States)
Gorener, Rifat, Roosevelt University (United States)
Gorman, Raymond (United States)
Gounder, Chitra Gunshekhar, National Institute of Industrial Engineering , Mumbai (India)
Gounder, Chitra Gunshekhar
Graham, Carol M.
Graham, Carol M, Professor of Accounting University of San Francisco
Grandstaff, Jaime L., Drake University (United States)
Green, Karen, Virginia Commonwealth University (United States)
Green, Karen, University of Toledo (United States)
Gregory, Richard P.
Griffin, Paul A, University of California, Davis (United States)
Griffin, Paul A.
Grüninger, Matthias C., Lonza AG, Münchensteinerstrasse 38, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland (Switzerland)
Gu, Anthony Yanxiang
Gu, Zhengyu
Guan, Lu
Guan, Ping
Guha, Sanjib
Gunawan, Yuliana
Guneren Genc, Elif, Istanbul Commerce University (Turkey)
Guo, Chun
Guo, Peng
Guo, Tao
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Accounting and Finance Research
ISSN 1927-5986 (Print) ISSN 1927-5994 (Online) Email: afr@sciedupress.com
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